Daily Bread 每日灵修

Our church’s morning devotion follows Leviticus in the Old Testament in the Bible, “Command the children of Israel that they bring to you pure oil of pressed olives for the light, to make the lamps burn continually.” (Leviticus 24:2) Rev Daniel has always valued lighting the lamp for the Lord, let God’s Word shine in our heart so that we can walk in God’s Will. In the morning prayer, we read the Bible according to our Daily Devotion Schedule. For many years, God has spoken to us through the morning prayer, giving us fresh manna every day, feeding our spirit, and leading our way.

我們教會的晨禱啟蒙於舊約聖經利未記24:2「 要吩咐以色列人,把那為點燈搗成的清橄欖油拿來給你,使燈常常點著。」 錫安牧師一向看重為主點燈,讓神的話語照亮我們的心,走在神的心意裡。在晨禱中,我們每天按著指定靈修進度讀經,多年來,神都藉著晨禱向我們說話,每天賜下新鮮的嗎哪,餵飽我們的靈,引領我們的路。

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